Translation Platform

Calenco has anintegrated translation platform Calenco Translator. Teamwork between writers and translators with no loss of time in the exchange of files.
Integrated translation platform: Calenco Translator
Calenco Translator Features
You work with one or more translators in various languages to translate your documents. The integrated translation platform eliminates the exchange of files and reduces the time it takes to produce translated documents.
Translation Workflow
Translators have access only to the content that you give them for translation.
Translation Memory
The translation memory records the already-translated sentences and extracts only new sentences to be translated
Integration to Calenco
The translated and verified document is imported automatically to Calenco
The Calenco Translator space
Tracking of translations

Translation interface

Translation Workflow

Description of the Calenco Translator Offer
Calenco Translator is a 100% web solution in SaaS mode, completely integrated with Calenco.
You keep control of the translation memory. You only send new sentences for translation.
The more you enrich the translation memory the fewer words you send to be translated.